
Scott Remembers The Elderly in Mabvuku/ Tafara

PRAYERS and goodwill were ushered upon Mabvuku Tafara House of Assembly Member Pedzai Scott Sakupwanya after he brought cheers on their faces remembering them this festive season with grocery hampers.

Sakupwanya had traditionally looked after the Mabvuku community elderly aged 80 years and above.

However, this time he lowered the threshold to cater for those aged 50 years going forward.

Speaking on behalf of Sakupwanya during the handover of groceries excercise at Number 1 Ground in Mabvuku, Pritchard Sibanda, the Shadowy Councilor for Ward 21 said his boss now represent the whole constituency and as such is now the people’s MP.

“As you know every year Honourable Sakupwanya remembers the elderly by giving them food hampers from different constituencies during the festive season every year,” said Sibanda.

“We also have some of our elderly people living with disabilities and probably confined to the bed so they are sending their relatives to collect on their behalf.”

Sibanda added that everyone is welcome to collect their Christmas gifts regardless of political affiliation.

“We see not looking at political alignment we don’t care which party one supports or where they come from. You can see that even political leaders for Mabvuku Tafara are also here monitoring the process,” he said.

“We sent out a notice and everyone is getting their presents. Honourable serves the whole constituency and not a single ward.”

The hampers comprised basic goods used everyday such as cooking oil, sugar, salt, beans, laundry soap, kapenta.

“Anyone with a valid national registration document that shows that they are 50 years and above is legible to collect their food hampers,” said Sibanda.

Robina Lampiao, the 78-year-old woman proferred prayer for Sakupwanya a
pleading with the Creator to give him many years to take care of them.

“I was faced with a bleak Xmas and Scott came to not onlyy rescue but hordes of elderly people here and the families they represent. It’s not easy being a breadwinner at my age taking care of my grandchildren who were left behind after their parents succumbed to the HIV and Aids scourge,” she said.

“This is our only son and only hope God has given the people of Mabvuku may He shield him away from the machinations of thd wicked so that he continues to take care of his people who do no have anyone else to look to.”

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